iPad will be the kids' eReader

My prediction is that the iPad will win in the classroom and as the definitive kids' eReader.
Kindle was just too dull for kids' books. But it's great as an eReader for grownups. Yes, our eyes get tired from screen flicker, and we actually longer testy pieces that don't always require embedded video or even color. So Kindle is the superior device for novel reading for the over-21 crowd.
The iPad, however, fills a gap in the classroom, where laptops are clunky and PCs immobile. It's a contained environment, where no one cares about fingerprints. Wifi is available, and kids don't need to type as much as consume interactive content. Eyestrain from a flickering screen just isn't a problem when kids' attention spans are short. Best of all tactile learning is now possible.
The ipad is Apple's newest play for education markets. Expect to see scholastic and other education publishers move fast.
Location : West Dr, Brooklyn, NY 11215,
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